As an aspiring franchisee, it`s essential to understand that you`re entering into a legal agreement with the franchisor. The franchise agreement is the foundation of the relationship between the two parties, and it sets out the terms and conditions that both parties must adhere to throughout the franchise term.

If a franchise fails to follow the stipulations in the franchise agreement, it can have serious consequences for both the franchisee and the franchisor. In this article, we`ll discuss what happens when a franchise fails to follow the franchise agreement and the steps that a franchisor can take to remedy the situation.

Consequences for the Franchisee

When a franchisee fails to follow the franchise agreement, it can lead to a breach of contract. Depending on the severity of the breach, the franchisor may have the right to terminate the agreement. This could mean losing the right to operate the franchise, losing any investment made, and potentially being sued for damages.

A franchisee may also face fines for non-compliance, which can add up quickly. Additionally, if the franchisee`s actions cause damage to the brand reputation, the franchisor may incur losses as a result. This could result in the termination of the agreement, which would have significant financial consequences for the franchisee.

Consequences for the Franchisor

If a franchisee fails to comply with the franchise agreement, it can have serious consequences for the franchisor. The franchisor may face reputational damage if the franchisee`s actions lead to negative publicity. Additionally, if the franchisee`s breach of contract leads to legal action, the franchisor may face legal costs and potentially damages.

In some cases, the franchisor may have to take over the day-to-day operations of the franchise, which can be costly and time-consuming. If the franchisee`s breach of contract leads to the termination of the agreement, the franchisor may also lose out on future revenue from that location.

Steps for the Franchisor

When a franchisee fails to follow the franchise agreement, the franchisor will usually take steps to address the situation. These may include:

1. Reviewing the franchise agreement to determine if there has been a breach of contract.

2. Providing notice to the franchisee of the alleged breach and requesting that the franchisee immediately correct the issue.

3. Conducting an investigation into the franchisee`s actions and gathering evidence.

4. Considering mediation or arbitration to resolve the dispute.

5. Terminating the franchise agreement if the breach is significant or cannot be corrected.


A franchise agreement is a legally binding contract between a franchisor and a franchisee. If a franchise fails to follow the franchise agreement, it can have serious consequences for both parties. Franchisees should read their franchise agreements carefully and comply with all terms and conditions to avoid breaching the contract. Franchisors should take appropriate steps to address non-compliance and protect their brand reputation. Ultimately, following the terms and conditions of the franchise agreement is essential to the success of the franchise business.